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Diposting oleh Okaza on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011
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Asyik, Game L.A Noire Bakal Dirilis untuk PC
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Selengkapnya → Asyik, Game L.A Noire Bakal Dirilis untuk PC
HTC Evo 3D, Smartphone Android Berlayar 3 Dimensi
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Selengkapnya → HTC Evo 3D, Smartphone Android Berlayar 3 Dimensi
Microsoft Tantang Google dengan Office 365
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Selengkapnya → Microsoft Tantang Google dengan Office 365
Pengguna Mobile Wallet Tumbuh Pesat di Indonesia
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Selengkapnya → Pengguna Mobile Wallet Tumbuh Pesat di Indonesia
Sunday Sweets: Geek Wedding Cakes!
Diposting oleh Okaza
Now, the problem is that today we have thoroughly awesome geek wedding cakes, and I am not, in the strictest sense of the word, a geek. At least, not to the degree which I've married into. However, for your entertainment and enlightenment I will now valiantly attempt to decipher these cakes without the help of Jen OR the interwebs. (May the Shwartz be with me!)
Batman and Wonder Woman! Great colors. And I think the bottom tier is... Metropolis? Maybe?
K, now they're getting harder:
Right. The adorable mushroom toppers are from a Mario game, and the cake is decorated in binary. Booyah. Just don't go asking me to translate it. (And if you do, I'll guess it's something like 'In geekiness, and in über geekiness, I thee wed.)
Now we're getting old school:
Look! It's Epcot!
(Why is Jen sighing so loudly behind me? And what is xkcd?)
Oh boy, I'm gonna get in trouble for this next one:
Is it... Zelda? Made of Lego? I don't... I never played it, so...
Look, this is harder than it looks, Ok?
Oh! Oh! I know this! What is that show called?!? It's on the tip of my mind. It's got Bender and... that cyclops lady... Futurama!
Haha! And I've never even seen it!
Also, that crash-landing into the cake thing is genius.
This one I definitely know:
Cake by Queen of Cakes and topper by Sweet Frost Tops
Portal! Jen and I are actually playing the co-op version now.
(Well, not now now. I'm writing this post now. You get the idea.)
On a side note, I just realized something: If you write 'The cake is a lie' on a cake, isn't that statement itself a lie? Technically, the lie is a lie since the cake is a cake.
Aaand now my brain hurts.
Let's wrap this up with one of my favorite cakes of all time, made by a baker who made one of our book tour cakes in Austin:
By Coco Paloma Desserts; photo by Sweet Caroline Photography
Ya know, I just realized: I've never seen Godzilla. So Transformer Mrs. Godzilla could totally be in there. Huh.
(And speaking of figures, did you notice the bride is holding the groom? Too funny.)
Well, I hope you enjoyed these geeky wedding Sweets, everyone. And if you have a Sweet of your own you'd like to share, please send it to Sunday Sweets (at) Cake Wrecks (dot) com.
Oh, and have a great Sunday.
Selengkapnya → Sunday Sweets: Geek Wedding Cakes!
NYC Clocktower Apartment Seems Pretty Okay
Diposting oleh Okaza
Real estate hype aside, GHK Properties is calling this 'Dumbo's Most Spectacular Building' and it's hard to disagree when you see the triplex that crowns it. We couldn't help but notice the striking similarity to the Bruce Wayne-funded Gotham Clocktower from the DC comic book, Birds of Prey, and with 360-degree views of Gotham and the possibility of setting up a covert crime-fighting operation from this base, it almost seems like a steal.
This almost offensively splendid 7,000-square-foot penthouse is located right inside the building's clock tower, provides 360-degree views, and gives you the freedom to sabotage your neighbors' scheduling by changing the clock times to whatever you damn well please. I mean if you're going to spend $23.5 million on an apartment, it may as well come with the privilege of resetting New York City's time zone to your individual liking.
(more...)"Selengkapnya → NYC Clocktower Apartment Seems Pretty Okay
Menumbuhkan JIWA SOSIAL Anak
Diposting oleh Okaza
Mengapa kepekaan membantu menjadi penting dimiliki seorang anak?
Alasannya bisa ditarik dari beberapa sudut pandang, mungkin ajaran agama, mungkin humanisme, atau mungkin untuk kebutuhan timbal-balik agar mereka juga diperlakukan baik oleh orang lain.
Apapun motivasinya, jiwa membantu/jiwa relawan atau jiwa volunteer akan memberi anak-anak kualitas diri yang luar biasa. Persoalan kehidupan menjelma di berbagai sudut, tanpa jiwa volunteer, semuanya akan selalu berakhir bak kehidupan rimba, di mana ego meraja, dan kaum tertindas makin terlindas, sehingga keadilan pun makin menjauh dari kehidupan manusia.
Semakin banyak anak yang terdidik dan terasuh dengan nilai-nilai sosial maka akan ada harapan di masa depan, mereka akan menjadi pionir untuk terwujudnya masyarakat yang saling menolong dan bukan saling menguasai demi kepuasan ego.
Memulai dari Rumah
Frasa "memulai dari rumah" mungkin kelihatan klise. Namun sungguh tak dapat kita pungkiri, semua kebiasaan memang berawal dari rumah, dan jika kebiasaan baik yang diajarkan, maka hal itu akan melekat menjadi akhlak.
Orang tua adalah teladan pertama dalam persoalan kebiasaan, dan banyak hal-hal kecil yang bisa dicontohkan orang tua dalam rangka menumbuhkan jiwa volunteer pada anak. Misalnya saja:
1. Mengunjungi tetangga atau kerabat yang sakit.
2. Mengirimkan makanan pada anak-anak panti asuhan atau janda tua yang tak berpenghasilan.
3. Mengasuh selama beberapa jam anak tetangga yang orang tuanya sedang sakit.
4. Mengunjungi panti jompo untuk membacakan buku pada para lansia.
5. Mengajarkan keterampilan yang dikuasai pada anak-anak jalanan atau ibu-ibu yang kehilangan pekerjaan.
6. Mengijinkan anak-anak sekitar rumah untuk membaca buku koleksi anak-anak kita.
7. Menyuguhkan minuman pada pedagang keliling yang singgah di teras rumah kita.
8. Mengajari anak menanam pohon dan mengajak mereka untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan peduli lingkungan, semisal kerja bakti di kampung.
Contoh aktivitas-aktivitas kecil tersebut lambat laun akan mewarnai kehidupan keluarga dan mencelup jiwa anggota keluarga pada sebuah kenikmatan spiritual tersendiri.
Jiwa volunteer akan selalu dibutuhkan sepanjang zaman, untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan, mengentaskan kebodohan, dan memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan tempat manusia hidup.
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