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This makes me very happy. Especially the...

Diposting oleh Okaza on Senin, 11 Juli 2011

This makes me very happy. Especially the...:

This makes me very happy. Especially the wigs.


“There’s nothing about this that isn’t completely awesome.”

We couldn’t agree more!

Sea World, Orlando, Florida, mid 1970s

" [via I’ve had dreams like that.] "

SelengkapnyaThis makes me very happy. Especially the...

Epic Gif: The Facebook Google+ Slapfest

Diposting oleh Okaza

Epic Gif: The Facebook Google+ Slapfest: "

Oh, I could just watch this all day. We’ve been writing about the growing rivalry between Facebook and Google, with its new Google+ social network. But here you have it in gif form, with the Facebook and Google+ favicons superimposed on the dwarf from Game of Thrones (Google+) slapping the child-king (Facebook) over and over again. I am not sure why Google+ is a dwarf, but it doesn’t detract from the enjoyment of watching.

It kind if sums up visually the whole fight between the two companies. Don’t you think?

And where did I find this? On Google+ of course. It was created by graphic designer Ala’a Assamawy . Well played, sir. A meme is born.


SelengkapnyaEpic Gif: The Facebook Google+ Slapfest

Ormas Islam Sepakati Awal Puasa 1 Agustus - Galamedia

Diposting oleh Okaza

Ormas Islam Sepakati Awal Puasa 1 Agustus - Galamedia: "

Ormas Islam Sepakati Awal Puasa 1 Agustus
Pada talkshow tersebut hadir perwakilan dari Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Persatuan Islam (Persis), dan Muhammadiyah. "Dan saya yakin, hanya Muhammadiyah saja yang akan berbeda dan duluan Idulfitrinya. Sementara yang lain, termasuk pemerintah, ...


SelengkapnyaOrmas Islam Sepakati Awal Puasa 1 Agustus - Galamedia